
Wednesday, December 12, 2007

To start earning with PPC (Pay Per Click) first you have to know some very important points bellow
  1. What is pay per click program ?
  2. What you need to start program ?
  3. How can you build your website ?
  4. How can you apply for Publisher ID ?
  5. How can you get Payment ?

Pay Per Click (PPC) Affiliate Programs

PPC affiliate programs are most popular. You should have heard them a lot. PPC programs are probably the easiest way for web publishers to make money from their websites and blogs. The affiliate gets paid a certain amount ($0.01 to $0.60 usually) whenever a visitor click a banner or text ad displaying on the affiliate's website. PPC typically used by contextual advertising companies like Google AdSense, Yahoo Publisher Networks and much more.

After creating Blogger just search for genuine pay per click programs in online. There are lots of pay per click program providers available in online.

Those are.....

  • Google AdSense
  • Yahoo Search Marketing/Overture
  • Microsoft adCenter
  • Miva
  • Search Feed
  • Atlas Search
  • 7Search
  • Revenue Pilot
  • Click Area

Your opinion we suggest you google adsense one of the great way to start your own pay per click programs. There is a reason why we are suggesting you Google adsense.We are doing the same pay per click programs for the past one year.They are sending genuine payment each and every Google Adsense publishers monthly in their local currency.

Tools Needed to start PPC

This does't need any expensive investment and You did not need any programming knowledge in computer for this pay per click program. Just need basic internet surfing skills along with our speclified things below.

  • One Computer with Internet Connection
  • One Mail ID (gmail is preferable)
  • One Blog or Website with good Content.
  • Investment of some hour everyday Depends on your Expected revenue.
I think above we mentioned is much possible who interested to Earn through pay per click program.Depends on your efforts shown in this pay per click program you can Earn more every day.

Build Your Web Site

To star your ppc you need to build your own website. You can hire some professional to make a website or search in the net to get any free website building tools available. After building your website you have to hire some service to host it in

web server but my suggestion is you start with make a Blog in Here you can make your blog with few easy steps and automatically your blog is hosted in server, and main thing is all is absolutely free. Here I show you the steps

1. Login to You see this screen …………

If you use blogger first time then you have to create

your Blogger account. Put your gmail ID in place of User Name and Password in password field.

2. In the next window you have to read and accept Blogger Term of services to join their program.

3. After you agreed with Blogger term of service you have to build your Blog. Give a good Blog Title and available Blog URL Then click CONTINUE

4. Some sample of available Blog Template were shown. You have to choose one and click CONTINUE and your Blog is ready for posting. Post a good contain in the Blog an it is ready for sending in Google Adsense for there approval .

Get Your Publisher ID

For submit your Blog for Adsense Program first go to and click SIGN UP NOW button. A application form is appearing.

These are the information you must provide with this


  1. Your Blogger name or website name
  2. Website language
  3. Account Type (If you are apply in your name select as individual)
  4. Select Your Country
  5. Payee name (For example your name is Peter... Don't Apply alone in the name of peter. Suffix your father name or your family name along with your name. Google only accept google publishers with first name and last name.. (Ex : Peter John)
  6. Your Full address (Please provide genuine address.This detail will be used for correspondence with you like payments and sending your pin mailer later)
  7. Agree the terms and conditions and click continue.

Then the page will appear as shown here.

In the first option enable

have an email address and password that I already use with Google services like Adwords, Google Mail, Orkut or the personalized home page.

In the second option enable

I would like to use my existing Google account for AdSense.

Then enter your Existing gmail ID and password below. Then Click Continue. The adsense team will check the guidelines of your website or blogger and will reply you about approval status of you gmail account.

After getting the ID you can find in the ADSENSE how can you put your ADD code in your BLOG and start your income.